2010-05-19 17:08:54 UTC
Another slew of filings raises eyebrows.
With the E3 reveal of Nintendo's 3DS portable system only weeks away,
the trademark filing watch has begun. Nintendo has indeed made several
recent filings that are sure to get the industry talking.
Specifically, Nintendo has filed the following trademarks in Japan:
3DS, N3DS, 3DSWare, and 3DSPlay. While the name "3DSWare" appears easy
enough to decipher - a downloadable content delivery service akin to
the Nintendo DSi's DSiWare - the name "3DSPlay" is open to
speculation. It could be a portable version of the Wii's Wii Play, or
something else entirely.
While these filings may have been done to simply protect names that
may not be used, the Nintendo DS followed a similar pattern prior to
its release. The "DS" moniker was widely considered to be a temporary
code name, but in the end turned out to be the real name of the device.
Another slew of filings raises eyebrows.
With the E3 reveal of Nintendo's 3DS portable system only weeks away,
the trademark filing watch has begun. Nintendo has indeed made several
recent filings that are sure to get the industry talking.
Specifically, Nintendo has filed the following trademarks in Japan:
3DS, N3DS, 3DSWare, and 3DSPlay. While the name "3DSWare" appears easy
enough to decipher - a downloadable content delivery service akin to
the Nintendo DSi's DSiWare - the name "3DSPlay" is open to
speculation. It could be a portable version of the Wii's Wii Play, or
something else entirely.
While these filings may have been done to simply protect names that
may not be used, the Nintendo DS followed a similar pattern prior to
its release. The "DS" moniker was widely considered to be a temporary
code name, but in the end turned out to be the real name of the device.